dimarts, 19 d’octubre del 2010

Nova raqueta de tennis sortirà a la venda per Wii

Nintendo ha volgut llançar al mercat una varietat del seu Wiimote, i per això a deixat a terceres companyies dissenyar altres comandaments com ara el nou comandament que a anunciat l'empresa anglesa Shinobii. Es creu que el preu seran uns 70€, però encara no hi han dades més concretes.

Even though the Wii Table Tennis game provides a nearly realistic experience, playing the game using the standard Wii RemoteTM controls leaves a lot to be desired. Anyone who has played any of the sports games knows that lightweight plastic replicas of table tennis bats, baseball bats, golf clubs, and tennis rackets aren’t much better.

That’s why the Wii Table Tennis enthusiasts at Shinobii Technologies, a major UK-based video game peripherals manufacturer and designer, set their sights on building a better table tennis paddle.

“Part of the strategy of beating your opponent in this high-speed action game is learning precise bat control,” according to Andy Mitchell, Sales Manager at Shinobii Technologies. “And the feeling of grabbing a handful of air every time you swing the remote is counter-productive to developing that strategy,” Mr. Mitchell added.

When players wrap their hands around the company’s new TT Champion Bat they think they’re holding an actual paddle. Not only is the look, feel and weight as close to the real thing as it gets, all of the electronics required to interact with the Wii™ console are built right in. This means players don’t have to slip the standard Wii Remote into the handle like they do with other sports equipment for Wii.

The TT Champion Bat has a built-in remote that eliminates the need to use the traditional Wii Remote and is compatible with all Wii Motion Plus™ games. It contains XtraMotion Technology that translates paddle movement, torque, and spin control from the paddle directly to the software. All of this technology is powered by a built-in rechargeable battery.

When users pick up the TT Champion Bat for the first time, it feels like they are holding a real table tennis paddle. And when they return the first serve, they realize it’s a whole new game.

The TT Champion Bat has a suggested retail price of $69.99 and will soon be available online and at traditional video game retailers throughout the EU and North America. For more information about the TT Champion Bat, visit www.shinobii.com.

About Shinobii Technologies

Shinobii manufactures, designs, and markets peripherals for all major video game platforms. The company’s passion for video games is at the core of its business. That passion permeates its actions and drives the achievement of outstanding results. Shinobii’s mission is to deliver innovative products tailored to enhance the overall enjoyment of the gaming experience. Shinobii strives to continually evolve its product line with a focus on quality, design and innovation.

Shinobii distributes its products worldwide through retailer partners offering interactive gaming and entertainment products.

All marks or trademarks mentioned here are the property of their respective owners. Shinobii Technologies Ltd. is not affiliated with Nintendo of America, Inc., or any other Nintendo business entity.

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